We are excited that you are interested in our discipleship training school. We would like you to fill out this application in order to know you, and you will get an idea of what to expect from the school.


The basic course will run for Six (6) months, while the Leadership course will run for Ten (10) months.

Register now


There will likely be times that make you feel uncomfortable as you are stretched and challenged in different ministry settings. It is important that you understand that this class requires a significant commitment of time and class work. It will have the work load of roughly a two (2) three (3) credit course in college. It is important that one does all the works assigned and attend all the classes in order to have to proper result/certificate. So therefore, prayerfully look through the syllabus in considering this class as you discern whether God is calling you to this school.

It is not must you do both basic and leadership course but either.