Welcome to the Basic Training course at Zion Believers Interdenominational Fellowship, a foundational program crafted to equip believers for a purposeful journey of faith. It is designed for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their faith and solid foundation for their spiritual walk. This course provides essential knowledge and practical insights to strengthen your connection with God

            This course is more than just an educational program: it’s a transformative journey aimed at cultivating discipleship. Our mission is to empower believers to grow in their faith, gain a profound understanding of biblical principles and develop practical tools for navigating life’s challenges with unwavering confidence.


This course is more than just an educational program: it’s a transformative journey aimed at cultivating discipleship. Our mission is to empower believers to grow in their faith, gain a profound understanding of biblical principles and develop practical tools for navigating life’s challenges with unwavering confidence.

The duration for this course is six (6) months and it is compulsory for all Zion Believers Leaders

The Basic Training Course includes

Foundational Doctrines

These are core belief in Christianity that helps us understand the foundational doctrines that shape our faith

Biblical Literary

Exploring the richness of the bible, learning how to interpret and apply its teaching to your daily life

Practical Spirituality

Discover how to cultivate a vibrant and meaningful relationship with God

Humanitarian services

Offering practical supports including food distribution and basic necessities.

Service and Outreach

Learn the importance of service and outreach. Learn how you can make positive impact to the world around you.

The Basic Training Course includes

Experienced Tutors

Our  are led by passionate and experienced tutors that are dedicated to guiding you on your spiritual journey

Interactive Learning

Engage in discussions, group activities and practical exercises to enhance your learning experience.

Practical Application

Each lesson is designed to provide practical tools that can immediately apply to your life and faith

To Enrol

To enroll and embark on a journey of purposeful faith, visit our enrolment page

For more information

Kindly send us a message on for more clarification on the courses or click on the link below to register and enrol now

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